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When you are starting to think about what job you might like to do in the future, consider the following:
What would I enjoy? What would I be good at? What jobs are available? What training or qualifications are needed? How can I find out more and get the help I need?
It is important to try to find a job that you will like. When you wake up each day you will look forward to going to work. You are much more likely to stay in this job for a long time if you enjoy the work.
Make a list of all your strengths, these are things you are good at. Examples are:
•Talking to people
•Organising things
•Practical work
•Different school subjects
•Activities you enjoy, music or drama
•Organising play activities for children
•Completing work on time
•Asking for help when needed
Sometimes personal qualities, for example being reliable and punctual are more important than academic qualifications. Employers like people who can work in a team, are friendly and reliable, and ask for help when needed. Being someone people can trust is also important.