Wednesday 22 April 2015

Changes in our lifestyles

Word cloud made with WordItOut

Living in a technological society

Word cloud made with WordItOut

Sunday 8 February 2015

Some examples of phrasal verbs, their usage and meaning

It was hard for Rick to live on only six hundred dollars a month back when he was going to college and had a part-time job in a bookshop.
Live on - to live on a particular amount of money

Break down – it can be used to talk about analysing something in detail: "You need to break down the maths problem in order to solve it properly."
Break down is also used to talk about something that has stopped working properly: "Can you please come and pick me up from work? My car has broken down."

Drop off - Phrasal verbs can have more than one meaning. In this cartoon, ‘drop off’ means both ‘fall off’ and ‘fall asleep’. For example:
1) Drop off – similar to fall
The boys dropped stones off the cliff
2) Drop off – fall asleep

pick up- In this cartoon it has two meanings:
1) Pick up – to lift an object with the hands
'Keep your back straight when you pick the TV up.'
2) Pick up – learn something without effort
'It's possible to pick up enough English in two weeks to get by on your trip to London.'

Make up - (noun) a cosmetic worn on the face to change your appearance.
Make up - (phrasal verb) to forgive / apologise with someone and to be friends again after a fight or argument. It can also mean to invent (a story, an excuse, etc.)

Some links with information and exercises for you to learn and practise:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Why learn English?

Learning to speak and write English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.

What are you interested in? Is it science? Music? Computers? Health? Business? Sports? Today's media — such as the Internet, television, and the press — give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favorite subjects. After all, we live in the information age, don't we?

There's only one problem...
Most of this knowledge is in English!!!

The spread of English is both a cause and result of globalization. It is predicted that within a few years there can be around 2 billion people learning English — nearly a third of the world’s population.

I would like to give you some reasons why learning English is so important. So, YOU..-have access to almost all knowledge on the Internet;
-read books in English on any subject;
-read the press - only English-language magazines and newspapers can be bought in every part of the world;
-enjoy English-language music more. Music is much better if you can understand the words;
-watch international television networks, such as CNN International and NBC. They broadcast news much faster, and more professionally, than smaller, national networks. And you can watch them everywhere in the world;
-watch American and British films in the original;
-communicate with people all over the world;
-travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go — English is spoken in more than 100 countries. Ask directions, have a conversation, or... ask for help. Who knows, maybe English will save your life someday!;
-put "excellent knowledge of English" on your CV . Speaking English is a tremendous asset for your professional career;
-gain technical knowledge. English is the language of technology, especially high technology like computer science, genetics, and medicine. If you're going to read about technology, you'll probably have to do it in English;
-use your computer more effectively. Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them better — and become a better employee;
-learn new skills for your job.

English is not only useful  ... IT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD!!



Friday 31 October 2014


Please VISIT these websites to develop your IDEAS and VOCABULARY about the subject:

Now READ  about some  YOUNG PEOPLE who have already volunteered abroad:

What is voluntary work

To volunteer, means simply, to be motivated and give one's time or energies to work towards a project or cause that you are interested in.

Why should people volunteer?

Volunteering gives individuals the chance to explore avenues that would not usually be open to them. This experience enables an exchange of cultural and social contact between volunteers and their host nationals.

It enables people to learn new skills and languages, to develop and gain practical experience in the field in, sometimes demanding conditions, and to develop leadership and teamwork skills. In addition, personal development which is difficult to evaluate, is one of the greatest benefits to working and travelling amongst people from different cultures.

Voluntary work - what's it all about?

The main feature of this sector is the lack of profit and the dedication to a particular cause. The voluntary sector in the UK currently has a turnover of £20 billion and continues to grow.  The type of experience that can be gained is very varied.  There are many opportunities ranging from working in an administrative or commercial capacity such as in marketing to practical work such as environmental field projects, campaigning, fundraising or shop-work. Some volunteering opportunities require people to offer individual support to groups or people such as those with illnesses or disabilities.

Benefits of volunteering

·       Learning new skills – these can include practical skills as well as ‘soft’ skills such as communication, time management and problem solving.
·       Experience – you can gain valuable experience for an area that you would like a career in, for example teaching, PR or social work.  The same is true if you need experience to be considered for a vocational course.  Volunteering also offers you a ‘safe’ environment in which to test out certain career areas to see if they are something that you wish to pursue. 
·       Meeting new people - volunteering allows you to meet people outwith your own social circle. These can be students from other degree courses and universities, people in a different age group from you and people from different backgrounds.  It can be a chance to find out more about the community you live in outside of university.   In these situations you will no doubt form friendships but you will also find this an opportunity for you to network now and in the future.
·       ‘Giving something back’ - for some people volunteering is entirely altruistic.
·       Learning more about a cause - if there is a cause that you have a special affinity with, then through volunteering with a relevant organisation you can learn more about it.
·       Improving confidence and feeling of self-worth - being an important part of a team or being highly valued by an individual you are working with can do wonders for your self-esteem.
It is important to remember that all types of employers view volunteering as just as valuable, and in some cases more valuable than, paid work.

What's in it for me?

·        a sense of personal fulfilment?
·        an opportunity to 'give something back'?
·        involvement in the community?
·        the chance to meet new people?
·        to acquire new skills?
·        the opportunity to explore new areas of work; test out suitability and commitment before making career decisions?
·        necessary pre-course experience?
·        enhancing your CV?

What can I offer?

·        Personal qualities - projects seeking volunteers tend to value enthusiasm, new ideas and hard work more than specific skills. People skills — cheerfulness, patience and understanding — are most important.
·        Expertise - particular abilities will always be welcomed. Conservation projects appeal to those with practical or technical skills. Teaching, advisory and counselling activities demand high levels of communication skills. Being able to drive could be a useful asset.
·        Affinity - support for a cause, concern for a special project or group of people or sharing the aims, objectives and values of a specific organisation could lend support to your desire to be a volunteer.
·        Time commitment - how much time can you realistically spare? Some voluntary projects may only need you on an ‘as and when available’ basis. Others, particularly when working in a supporting or teaching capacity or when specific training is offered, will look for regular and sustained involvement. You may need to agree a mutual trial period with the voluntary organisation. 

Types of work

·        Social care - Typical roles include: advice worker (e.g. advising on consumer, legal and employment issues); drug user support worker; kitchen assistant for homeless people; project organiser. 
·        Environment and Animals - Typical roles include: conservation volunteer; researcher; animal fosterer; farming assistant; rescue worker; fundraiser. 
·        Education and Youth Work - Typical roles include: literacy/numeracy tutor; IT tutor; Girl Guides/Scout leader; youth leader; student tutor in schools. 
·        Children and Families - Typical roles include: befriender; childsitter; telephone counsellor; crèche worker; mentor
·        Health - Typical roles include: hospital “buddy” (i.e. providing friendship to people in long term care); information officer; providing therapeutic care (e.g. massages for those in hospitals, hospices and respite care); ward helpers; care worker. 
·        Arts, Sports and Culture - Typical roles include: music group facilitator; choir organiser; crafts group support assistant; historic house guide; lifeguard; sports coach; referee
·        Equality - Typical roles include: web designer; committee member; administrator.
·        Community Development - Typical roles include: community radio staff; assistant in children and women’s groups; journalist (community magazines/newspapers).
·        Working with the Elderly - Typical roles include: IT teacher; mini bus driver; café assistant; social club helper; day care assistant.

Volunteering all over the world

Types of work

What you could be doing  in many countries is very varied.  The main types of volunteer work that students and graduates are involved in are:

·        Conservation - projects include monitoring species populations and habitats on land and in the sea.  Some projects also include an educational element, for example you would teach the importance of conservation to local people. 

·        Construction - building places that will benefit whole communities, such as schools, community centres and houses. 

·   Teaching/Education - this includes teaching English, sports and music to young children through to adults.  Health education is also a popular area to volunteer in and can often be done in conjunction with a teaching placement

·        Youth Work - includes working with children in orphanages, children with disabilities and street children. 

·   Social and Community Work - working in a community, sometimes with specific groups, such as women, to promote awareness of a wide range of issues
     Healthcare - using skills already gained in healthcare in projects overseas.  Medical students early on in their studies can be involved in some projects. 

Tuesday 30 September 2014

English speaking around the world

According to research by the British Council, "English has official* or special status in at least seventy-five countries with a total population of over two billion. English is spoken as a native* language by around 375 million and as a second language* by around 375 million speakers in the world. Speakers of English as a second language will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language*. One out of four of the world's population speak English to some level of competence. Demand from the other three-quarters is increasing."

* Native- the language you learned at home with your family when you were small.

* Official- the language that is used in official documents, spoken on the radio and on television

*Second language - language you learn because you have to live in the country where the language is spoken.

*Foreign language - languages spoken abroad (a language you can choose to study at school.)

Find out interesting facts on sights, history, culture and people from


The British Council says "English is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science, technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, pop music and advertising.
Over two-thirds of the world's scientists read in English. Three quarters of the world's mail is written in English. Eighty per cent of the world's electronically stored information is in English. Of the estimated forty million users of the Internet, some eighty per cent communicate in English, but this is expected to decrease to forty per cent as speakers of other languages get online."

(you can LISTEN to accents from some of the main English-speaking countries...Try it!)

And now have some fun watching Hugh Laurie: the British accent vs the American!

Sunday 31 August 2014

Welcome to this tour around the English language!

When you
Enter this
Little room
Consider yourself
One of the special
Members of a group who
Enjoy working and learning

Take advantage of the resources that are offered to you and use them to develop your learning skills!